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Introduction to Mnemonics
Day 1: Introduction
Welcome (3:51)
Mnemonics vs. Rote Memorization (8:37)
Scheduling (4:23)
Course Overview (4:02)
Day 2: Linking
Making Strong Links (12:38)
Guided Practice (14:54)
Unguided Practice (3:09)
Common Mistakes (5:57)
Day 3: Organization
Organizational Systems (8:40)
Building your First Memory Palace (6:52)
Deleting Old Elements (5:15)
Day 4: Conversion
Conversion Systems (4:04)
The Phonetic System (9:05)
Memorizing the System
Creating Your Own Conversion Systems (5:46)
Day 5: Names
The Method (13:22)
Guided Practice (8:02)
Common Name Conversions
Facts About People (6:47)
Day 6: Practice
To do
Day 7: Creative Application
Break the Rules. Memorize Anything. (14:37)
Ex #1: Allen's Rule (4:43)
Ex #2: Milankovitch Cycles (5:09)
Ex #3: Sternberg's Theory of Love (9:09)
Facts About People
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